If you would like to submit a question please submit it here


How do I contact someone about <something something to contact about>?
You can contact me (Steve R – I’m the only one here) via this form

Is Monorocket producing cases for Eurorack Modules?

Is Livewire still producing Eurorack Modules?

Will the AFG ever be available again?
The Audio Frequency Generator (AFG) is available now:

N America: Big City Music
Europe: Schneidersladen

Will the Frequensteiner ever be available again? 
The Frequensteiner is available now:

N America: Big City Music
Europe: Schneidersladen

Will the <any other Livewire module you’re looking for> ever be available again?
Probably yes.


Where are the manuals for Livewire modules?
There is only one model that has an “official” manual (Dual Cyclotron)
You can download it here

Really? 13 years and only one manual for one module?
In 2005 modular pioneers were content with the fact that new modules were even being produced at all*
The early philosophy regarding documentation of functionality was “leave it to exploration and forge your own path”
Take heart. Beginning in 2016 I made documentation part of every new module release going forward.

*revisionist history alert – the single biggest complaint I’ve received over the years is lack of documentation. I just don’t have the bandwith to go back and write manuals for modules that have been in the wild for more than 10 years.**

**more revisionist history as of Jan 2020 I’ve decided to take on that task while I wait for prototypes to run



I noticed different jumpers on the back of the AFG;
What do they do and are they different for v1 and v2?

SINE (all versions)

This jumper selects the “surgical sine” mode. This gives the option of selecting a “cleaner” sounding sine wave at the expense of losing a bit of amplitude as the frequency goes higher.

FLUX CAPACITOR (all versions)

These jumpers complete internal connections to the onboard circuit in order for it to function without an external module connected.

SYNC (V2 Only)

This jumper selects HARD or SOFT sync modes, expanding it’s SYNC compatibility with modules made by other manufacturers


AFG Expanders: 

Will there be a FLUX CAPACITOR module for the header on the back of the AFG? 
Yes – the PCB is being designed now (2020 01 06)

Will there be an X MOD module for the header on the back of the AFG? 
Yes – development will begin when Flux PCB prototyping begins (2020 01 06)

Will there be an AUDIO COMPOSITOR module for the header on the back of the AFG?

Chaos Computer Expanders: 

What is the status on EXPANDER MODULES for the Chaos Computer?
Development of expansion modules for the Chaos Computer is somewhere between “concept” and “breadboard”.

I’m officially declaring any development of expansion for the Chaos Computer to be “open source with some conditions”* and will happily share specs etc on how to utilize with the expansion headers to anyone interested. (posted 28 Oct 2018)


The actual release of the Chaos Computer had more to do with completing all of the work started by Mike Brown than the routine develop/sell/ship cycle of every other Livewire module.

Development of the Chaos Computer stopped in the summer of 2006 when Livewire’s primary distributor requested that Mike give priority to developing a VCO (AFG began shipping 2 years later)

Mike resumed development of the Chaos Computer in Jan 2009 which was eventually completed with the assistance of Tim Ressell (Circuit Abbey) and began shipping summer 2013.

*I’m using the term “open source” for lack of better way to say: “here’s what you need to know – go forth, produce, multiply and prosper (read: make a profit, engage in commerce, spice up your life). The only thing I’m going to ask in return is some cross promotion, which will basically be listing your product on the livewire-synthesizers.com website as a welcomed companion to the Chaos Computer line.